Flash Element TD 2
Strategy & Defense CafeCafe 15 Feb , 2018 0

Strategy & Defense CafeCafe 15 Feb , 2018 0
Your mission in Flash Element Tower Defense 2 is simple, protect your elements at all costs by building towers to kill the creeps. The creeps will try and walk the path to your elements, if they make it they will pick them up and head back to the start. If they remove all of your elements in one go the game is over. The best way to learn the game is to play it, the first time you do so you will be shown a quick guide as to where everything is and what everything does. If you want to know some tips that will help you out just click on options and then tips to read them. Play Flash Element TD 2 and other flash games at CafeCafeGames.com - We have the best free online games for you.